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Potential Long-Term Benefits of Psilocybin Mushrooms Potential Long-Term Benefits of Psilocybin Mushrooms

Potential Long-Term Benefits of Psilocybin Mushrooms

Looking for a quick fix to alleviate stress and combat anxiety? Psilocybin might be the solution. In fact, magic mushrooms provide a platform for healing, but it takes time. 

Research is still being conducted on the long-term benefits of psilocybin; the compound found in magic mushrooms. While magic mushrooms grow in popularity, many people are turning to psilocybin as a natural remedy to help reduce trauma related to PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and other psychological conditions. 

Although it is legal in Colorado to possess, grow, and use psychedelics, magic mushrooms are not for everyone. Magic mushrooms are known in several indigenous cultures as a medicine. As ancient wisdom dictates, only time will help heal as one finds the right pathway. 

Mainstream Research

Nationally known research hospitals such as Harvard and Johns Hopkins are turning to psychedelics for innovative patient treatment options and studying the short-term and long-term effects. 

According to the Johns Hopkins Medicine website, “Our scientists have shown that psychedelics have real potential as medicine, and this new center will help us explore that potential,” Paul B. Rothman, M.D., Dean of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine. 

The Johns Hopkins research team has found positive effects in patients who “suffer a range of challenging conditions, including addiction, distress caused by a life-threatening disease, and treatment-resistant depression.”

Other research indicates that people with a long-term history of depression were able to see positive results a year after starting to incorporate psilocybin into their therapy regimen.

As this industry continues to grow and see innovative treatments, it’s best to seek the right pathway for healing. What works for one person is different for another. That’s why discussing the short-term and long-term benefits of psychedelics with a trained professional, such as a therapist or physician, is essential. 

Milagro Mushrooms plans to support and understand the healing benefits of psychedelic medicine through community efforts by creating a space for healers, shamans, and other therapists who can administer these natural medicines in a safe and relaxing environment on the Frangiosa Farm.

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