Monthly Mushroom Membership
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Psilocybin Mushroom Membership in Denver, CO
1 Share = 15 days x 100mg = 1500mg
2 Shares = 30 days x 100mg = 3000mg
3 Shares = 45 days x 100mg = 4500mg
Milagro Mushrooms are grown right here in Denver, CO!
Psilocybin mushrooms are naturally occurring mushrooms which contain the psychoactive compound psilocybin. More than 180 psilocybin-containing mushroom species are found all over the world and can induce hallucinogenic/psychedelic effects when consumed. Psilocybin is converted by the body to psilocin, and this is the actual compound which produces their psychoactive effects. Additional chemicals commonly present in minor amounts include baeocystin and norbaeocystin, although the extent to which these contribute to the overall effects is unclear.
Even though the psychoactive effects of every type of ‘magic mushroom’ are brought about by psilocybin, different types of psilocybin mushrooms can have different types of psychedelic effects, and science is still researching how these effects can vary in type and strength over different strains. (source)
For more details and dosing recommendations, visit our Membership Details page.